Oliver: Hey
Loral: Please do not ask me if I am okay because I am sick to death of everyone asking me that.
Oliver: would never do that
Loral: Good
Oliver: You Okay
Loral: The doll maker was just your garden variety traumatic experience.
After the quake and Tommy I should be used to them by now
Oliver: I've had a few of those. You never get used to them.
Felicity: um excuse me Oliver may I talk to you for a second. It's urgent
Oliver: yeah
Felicity: you can have him back in a minute
Oliver: excuse me
Felicity: I just realized something. What if our masked friend, the one that keeps showing up everywhere, you know her.
Oliver: yeah, what about her
Felicity: what id we have been going about this all wrong. We though she was obsessed with you. I mean she showed up and the DA's office when you were there. And in the chemical plant were the doll maker was hiding out. But who else was at both those places. What if our masked friend isn't following you.
Oliver: She's following Loral.
Aww man..I should of caught up to the last episode before reading the last couple of lines
ReplyDeleteI take it this comes from a TV show. The problem is, it was your job to do more than simply capture dialogue. You also needed to try to perform a scansion on these lines. You didn't do that. As such, I can only give you have the credit.